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4 Supplements to Increase Performance on Race Day

In today's blog I want to share with you the four main supplements that I recommend to my athletes inside my elite athlete coaching program to be used in the buildup to a race during their tape phase of their training.

These supplements have been well researched and are directly linked to...

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How To Build Muscle as an Endurance Athlete

Stop beaning afraid to build muscle as an endurance athlete.


Muscle produces power. The more muscle tissue you have, the better your capacity to produce force you will have.

More force = More Speed

Making you a faster athlete.

In this blog post today I'm going to share with you exactly how...

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How to really cut weight as an Endurance Athlete

Cutting weight as an athlete can be hard.


Let me make it a bit easier for you by cutting out all the bullshit that’s out there in relation to weight loss and show you how the elite do it consistently season after season. 

In this blog post today I'm going to share with you...

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The Race Day Plan You Need For Your Fastest Race Yet

Finally, race days are here it's approaching fast you've done all the hard work on your training, you've tapered and given yourself some time off to relax, you planned all your eating, and you've done your carb loading now it comes down to how can you best fuel yourself and your unique physiology...

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How To Carb Load Like The Elites Do

Now you've done all the hard work you've trained for weeks and months nonstop to get to your race week well prepared physically but now you're faced with a new set of challenges. You must prepare yourself both mentally and physically for your race to come. From a nutrition perspective you need to...

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How to Fuel High Intensity Training Sessions

Knowing how to fuel your training sessions makes the difference from barely completing your training session, and suffering true. Compared to the person who knows how to exactly fuel each training session optimally, squeezing every ounce of juice out of their efforts from their training...

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How to Fuel Long Duration training sessions

Knowing how to fuel your training session makes the difference between a podium finish compared to someone who might not even cross the line on race day. Wining is done in the training ground. This is why you need to nail down your nutrition plans in line with your training.


Not knowing...

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Burnout in Female Athletes. What strategies can you use to prevent and treat burnout?

Have you ever asked an athlete why they do what they do?

Pushing themselves through gruelling training sessions, to compete against like-minded people, to see who trained harder to achieve gold. When you dumb it down like that, you wonder what all the fuss is really about.

Most athletes will...

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6 ways to improve your HRV

How do I improve my HRV ?

This is a question I get quite a bit form athletes who have invested in tech to track their HRV but have discovered that there HRV score is low majority of the time, indicating that they are in a high stress state.

 If this sounds like you, or your one of those...

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What is HRV and why you should be tracking it ?

Why measure my Heart rate variability (HRV) isn’t it just adding more data to the pile that will take ages to sift through and really at the end of it will yield no real-world results. If this is what comes to your mind, then I am asking you to forget it. HRV is an excellent tool that can...

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