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What Are the Best Recovery Techniques for Endurance Athletes?

Endurance athletes place significant demands on their bodies during training and competition. To maintain performance, prevent injury, and promote long-term health, it is crucial to prioritize recovery.

Proper recovery techniques allow athletes to repair damaged tissues, reduce fatigue, and...

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What Role Does Hydration Play in Recovery for Endurance Athletes?

Hydration is a critical component of recovery for endurance athletes, playing a pivotal role in restoring the body's fluid balance, maintaining performance and preventing injuries.

For athletes engaging in prolonged and intense physical activities like running, cycling, or triathlons, rehydration...

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What is the Ideal Body Weight for Endurance Athletes?

Endurance sports, such as running, cycling and swimming, require athletes to maintain a high level of physical fitness and stamina over prolonged periods.

An important factor contributing to optimal performance in these sports is achieving and maintaining an ideal body weight. Understanding the...

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How can I Manage Weight while Training for Endurance Sports?

Endurance sports, such as running, cycling, and swimming, demand a high level of physical fitness and stamina. Athletes in these disciplines may face the challenge of managing their weight while ensuring they have enough energy to perform optimally.

Balancing caloric intake with energy...

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Essential Supplements for Endurance Athletes: What to Consider?

In the competitive world of sports, athletes are always looking for ways to enhance their performance, speed up recovery, and push their limits. From ancient herbal remedies to modern nutritional science, supplements have played a crucial role in this quest. This blog delves into the world of...

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What does New Evidence say about Protein Intake?

applied athlete muscle protein May 04, 2024

Protein, the cornerstone of nutrition, has long been hailed as the building block of life. From muscle repair to hormone production, its role in our body's functionality is indispensable. However, amidst the maze of dietary advice, understanding the significance of protein can be challenging....

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Tracking Calories and Controlling Portion Sizes

In the big bad world of sports nutrition and weight management, there are certain buzzwords thrown such as calorie and portion size. What does it really mean for our body and which methods should we be choosing to ensure we are eating the right amount of energy to fuel our body or reach our...

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How Gut health impacts endurance athletes

Amidst the focus on training plans, recovery strategies, and equipment optimization, there's a fundamental, yet often overlooked, aspect that can profoundly impact athletic achievement: gut health.

Your gastrointestinal (GI) system isn't just a passive participant in your athletic...

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Debunking Common Nutrition Myths

In the ever-evolving landscape of nutrition, misinformation can spread like wildfire. With countless diet trends, conflicting advice, and wellness myths circulating, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. In today’s blog, we are going to discuss different nutrition myths surrounding...

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Should Athletes Consider Plant-Based Diets?


As we come into the new year of 2024, the trend of Veganary (following a vegan diet for the month of January) becomes very popular. Although there is a significant level of research to support the idea that nutritionally adequate and well-balanced plant-based diets can show various health...

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