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Is your diet helping or hindering your recovery ?

So, it’s that time of season again with increased training loads and unfortunately increased injury rates.

 I’m seeing a current trend with the athletes passing through our clinic, either picking up new injures trying to ramp up their training post-Christmas (trying to undo all...

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Pomegranates: why they're the winning ingredient

There’s been a surge in research in the recent years into antioxidant (polyphenol) supplementation for endurance athletes to see if it can enhance performance in numerous ways.

Polyphenols are natural occurring compounds that represent one of the most numerous & widely distributed...

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Dealing with disappointment in sport

Whether you fail to reach a goal or experience a setback such as an injury, it can be a struggle to get back into the swing of things. Motivating yourself after a big competition can take some time, but especially when there’s disappointment involved. In order to motivate yourself following...

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